Source code for berhoel.odf

"""Give access to ods files."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from zipfile import ZipFile

from lxml import etree

    from pathlib import Path

__date__ = "2024/08/03 17:02:21 hoel"
__author__ = "Berthold Höllmann"
__copyright__ = "Copyright © 2020 by Berthold Höllmann"
__credits__ = ["Berthold Höllmann"]
__maintainer__ = "Berthold Höllmann"
__email__ = ""

[docs] class OdfXml: """Base XML handling class for ODF processing."""
[docs] def __init__(self, elem: etree._Element) -> None: """Intialize instance. Args: elem (etree._Element): XML Element """ self.root = elem self.nsmap = ( self.root.nsmap if hasattr(elem, "nsmap") else self.root.getroot().nsmap )
[docs] def find(self, tag: str) -> etree._Element: """Find ``tag`` in this element. Args: tag (str): XML tag to serarch for. Returns: etree._Element: Element acc. to ``tag``. """ return self.root.find(tag, namespaces=self.nsmap)
[docs] def findall(self, tag: str) -> list[etree._Element]: """Find all of ``tag``. Args: tag (str): XML tag to find. Returns: list[etree._Element]: Element acc. to ``tag``. """ return self.root.findall(tag, namespaces=self.nsmap)
[docs] def _attrib_map(self, attrib: str) -> str: """Helper for ``get``: provide namespace. Args: attrib (str): attribute name in the form of <namespace name>:<attr name>. Returns: str: attribute name with extended namespace. """ ns, tag = attrib.split(":") return f"{{{self.nsmap[ns]}}}{tag}"
[docs] def get(self, attrib: str) -> str: """Get atribute of this element, honors namespace. Args: attrib(str): Attrribute name. Returns: str: Attribute value. """ return self.root.get(self._attrib_map(attrib))
[docs] class Odf(OdfXml): """Base class for OpenDocument Format files."""
[docs] def __init__(self, path: str | Path): """Open ODF file from ``path``. Args: path (str | Path): Location of OpenOffice file. """ with ZipFile(path) as odf_zip,"content.xml") as content: doc = etree.parse(content) super().__init__(doc)