Source code for berhoel.helper

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Misc helper

# Standard library imports.
import time
from enum import Enum, auto
from datetime import timedelta
from contextlib import contextmanager

__date__ = "2023/12/26 19:13:35 hoel"
__author__ = "Berthold Höllmann"
__copyright__ = "Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2021, 2022 by Berthold Höllmann"
__credits__ = ["Berthold Höllmann"]
__maintainer__ = "Berthold Höllmann"
__email__ = ""
__version__ = __import__("importlib.metadata", fromlist=["version"]).version(

[docs]class SwirlSelect(Enum): LINES = auto() DOTS = auto()
__swirl_string = { SwirlSelect.LINES: r"\|/-", SwirlSelect.DOTS: ( "\N{BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-123}" # "⠇" "\N{BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-237}" # "⡆" "\N{BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-378}" # "⣄" "\N{BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-678}" # "⣠" "\N{BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-568}" # "⢰" "\N{BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-456}" # "⠸" "\N{BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-145}" # "⠙" "\N{BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-124}" # "⠋" ), }
[docs]def swirl(style=SwirlSelect.LINES): """Generator to show a swirling life indicator. >>> sw = swirl() >>> a = [_ for _ in zip(range(5), sw)] \\...|.../...-...\\... >>> sw = swirl(SwirlSelect.DOTS) >>> a = [_ for _ in zip(range(8), sw)] ⠇...⡆...⣄...⣠...⢰...⠸...⠙...⠋... Returns: `generator`: printing running indicator. """ sw_string = __swirl_string[style] while True: for c in sw_string: print(c, end="\r") yield
[docs]def count_with_msg(msg="loop", start=0): """Counting variable with start value and message. >>> c = count_with_msg("msg", 5) >>> print([i for _, i in zip(range(5),c)] == [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) msg 1 ...msg 2 ...msg 3 ...msg 4 ...msg 5 ...True >>> Args: msg (str): base message start (int): counter start_time Returns: `generator`: counter with message. """ i = 1 _count = start while True: print("{} {} ".format(msg, i), end="\r") yield _count _count += 1 i += 1
[docs]@contextmanager def process_msg_context(msg): """Provides a context for calling routines and reporting entering and exit. >>> with process_msg_context("do something"): ... pass do something...done >>> Args: msg (str): message for bracing process. Returns: `contextmanager`: bracing message. """ print("{}...".format(msg), end="\r") yield print("{}...done".format(msg))
[docs]@contextmanager def timed_process_msg_context(msg, time_form=None): """Provides a context for calling routines and reporting entering and exit. Report spent time. >>> with timed_process_msg_context("do something"): ... time.sleep(1) do something...done (0:00:01) >>> with timed_process_msg_context("do something", lambda t:"{:d}s".format(int(t))): ... time.sleep(1) do something...done (1s) >>> Args: msg (str): message for bracing process. time_form (func): function formatting druntime. Returns: `contextmanager`: bracing message. """ if time_form is None: time_form = lambda t: timedelta(seconds=int(t)) start_time = time.time() print("{}...".format(msg), end="\r") yield print(("{}...done ({})").format(msg, time_form(time.time() - start_time)))
# Local Variables: # mode: python # compile-command: "python ../../ test" # time-stamp-pattern: "30/__date__ = \"%:y/%02m/%02d %02H:%02M:%02S %u\"" # End: