Source code for berhoel.ctitools.tests.test_processing

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Test article entry processing.

# Standard library imports.
import zipfile

# Third party library imports.
import pytest

# First party library imports.
from berhoel.ctitools import CTI
from berhoel.ctitools.ctientry import CTIEntry

__date__ = "2022/09/08 12:05:11 Berthold Höllmann"
__author__ = "Berthold Höllmann"
__copyright__ = "Copyright © 2022 by Berthold Höllmann"
__credits__ = ["Berthold Höllmann"]
__maintainer__ = "Berthold Höllmann"
__email__ = ""

[docs]@pytest.fixture def cti_entry_data_1(): return b"""Java nur mit -server-Option Dr. Volker Zota, Dusan Wasserb\xc7\xcfch vza 154 10 c07 Praxis,Hotline,Java, Server, Internet, Programmierung, JAR-Archiv Ein Artikel Von Torsten T. Will und Ein Autor, Duzan Zivadinovic ola 74 3 c08 kurz vorgestellt,Code Review, Open Source, Entwicklungssystem,Entwicklungs-Tools,Open-Source-Projekt Review Board """ # noqa: E501
[docs]@pytest.fixture def cti_entry_1(tmp_path, cti_entry_data_1): p = tmp_path / "cti_entry_1.cti" p.write_bytes(cti_entry_data_1) return p
[docs]@pytest.fixture def cti_entry_zip_1(tmp_path, cti_entry_data_1): p = tmp_path / "" with zipfile.ZipFile(p, "w") as myzip: myzip.writestr("cti_entry_1.frm", cti_entry_data_1) return p
[docs]@pytest.fixture def cti_entry_data_2(): return b"""Doppelt gemoppelt \334\344\374\366\337\351 Von Torsten T. Will und Ein Autor, Duzan Zivadinovic ola 74 3 c08 kurz vorgestellt,Code Review, Open Source, Entwicklungssystem,Entwicklungs-Tools,Open-Source-Projekt Review Board """ # noqa: E501
[docs]@pytest.fixture def cti_entry(request): return request.getfixturevalue(request.param)
[docs]@pytest.fixture def cti_entry_2(tmp_path, cti_entry_data_2): p = tmp_path / "cti_entry_2.cti" p.write_bytes(cti_entry_data_2) return p
[docs]@pytest.fixture def cti_entry_zip_2(tmp_path, cti_entry_data_2): p = tmp_path / "" with zipfile.ZipFile(p, "w") as myzip: myzip.writestr("cti_entry_2.cti", cti_entry_data_2) return p
[docs]@pytest.fixture def cti_entry_data_3(): return b"""Familienleben Digitals Alpha-Linie: Vorstellung von f\201nf 64-Bit-Rechnern in London Behme, Henning hb 13 1 i93 Markt + Trends Schlu\341folgerungsmuster Objektorientierte Verkn\201pfung von Wissensbasen und Datenbanken Higa, Kunihiko/Morrison, Joline+Mike hb 132 1 i93 Wissen """
[docs]@pytest.fixture def cti_entry_3(tmp_path, cti_entry_data_3): p = tmp_path / "cti_entry_3.cti" p.write_bytes(cti_entry_data_3) return p
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("cti_entry", ["cti_entry_1", "cti_entry_zip_1"], indirect=True) def test_process_author_1(cti_entry): probe = iter(CTI(cti_entry)) assert next(probe).author == ("Dr. Volker Zota", "Dušan Wasserbäch")
[docs]def test_ctientry_1(): assert CTIEntry( shorttitle="a", title="a", author="a", pages=1, issue=1, info="a", journaltitle="a", date="a", references="a", keywords="a", ) == CTIEntry( shorttitle="a", title="a", author="a", pages=1, issue=1, info="a", journaltitle="a", date="a", references="a", keywords="a", )
[docs]def test_ctientry_2(): assert CTIEntry( shorttitle="b", title="a", author="a", pages=1, issue=1, info="a", journaltitle="a", date="a", references="a", keywords="a", ) != CTIEntry( shorttitle="a", title="a", author="a", pages=1, issue=1, info="a", journaltitle="a", date="a", references="a", keywords="a", )
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("cti_entry", ["cti_entry_2", "cti_entry_zip_2"], indirect=True) def test_process_author_2(cti_entry): probe = iter(CTI(cti_entry)) assert next(probe).author == ( "Torsten T. Will", "Ein Autor", "Dušan Živadinović", )
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("cti_entry", ["cti_entry_2", "cti_entry_zip_2"], indirect=True) def test_process_chars_2(cti_entry): probe = iter(CTI(cti_entry)) assert next(probe).title == "Üäüößé"
[docs]def test_process_authors_ix_3(cti_entry_3): references = ( CTIEntry( shorttitle="Familienleben", title="Digitals Alpha-Linie: Vorstellung von fünf 64-Bit-Rechnern in " "London", author=("Henning Behme",), pages=13, issue="1993 / 1", info={"paper": "i", "year": "93"}, journaltitle="iX", date="1993-01-01", references="", keywords="Markt + Trends", ), CTIEntry( shorttitle="Schlußfolgerungsmuster", title="Objektorientierte Verknüpfung von Wissensbasen und Datenbanken", author=("Kunihiko Higa", "Joline+Mike Morrison"), pages=132, issue="1993 / 1", info={"paper": "i", "year": "93"}, journaltitle="iX", date="1993-01-01", references="", keywords="Wissen", ), ) data_read = False for probe, ref in zip(iter(CTI(cti_entry_3)), references): assert probe == ref data_read = True assert data_read, "No data read"
# Local Variables: # mode: python # compile-command: "poetry run tox" # time-stamp-pattern: "30/__date__ = \"%Y/%02m/%02d %02H:%02M:%02S %L\"" # End: